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Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Forces tastic

WALT  about forces  
we made paper air plane and we watch video then we wrote an explanation about gratify ,thrust ,drag,lift then we wrote a about the motion balance and friction and we also talk about forces.

  balance is motion because if it balance them it will be no motion.
friction is no motion because it can stop motion.
movement is motion because if some move them it will be motion.
  first miss did demonstrations 
second we did some demonstrations 
 three we talked about forces 
 four we brainstorm our ideas.

I learn about forces because there a so may things to do about forces.

I through that it was hard but I learn a little bit about forces because there were so may thing to remember and I through forces was easy because I learn more about motion and balance .

please leave me postie ,though helpful comment to help me move forward with my learning.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly
    Thank you for your post. We are also learning about forces in our class. Perhaps I can borrow your idea of using a paper airplane. I am sure my class will love trying it out. What does "friction is the opposition of motion mean? Can you tell me a bit more?
    Kind Regards
    Mrs M


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